Monday, September 7, 2009

Candlewood Watershed Initiative (CWI)

For your advance info, the Candlewood Watershed Initiative (CWI) in conjunction with the Candlewood Lake Authority will be hosting a 'Celebrate Candlewood' event on Monday evening, 9/28, to coincide with the conclusion of the Lake's 80th birthday.  Below is draft copy of a 'save the date' notice to appear in some form in this week's Citizen News.  We are hopeful that residents from throughout our Watershed will make it a point to attend, particularly those living in communities bordering the Lake. 
Agenda is basically three-fold: history of the Lake for perspective; importantly, Environmental Review Team (ERT) report findings on the state of the Lake and implications going forward; and a birthday reception following.  Date designed to dovetail with conclusion of Lake's 80th birthday, recent receipt of the ERT findings (a CLA web site reference will be provided), and to precede the ZC hearing on the new proposed zoning regs on Thurs, 10/1 (more to follow), so residents will have the benefit of the ERT results to provide some context for the recommended zoning reg revisions. Note that attendance will likely be limited so, if interested, suggest looking for future CN announcements re reservations and other specifics.
Also, keep an eye out for the upcoming CN article series by Alex Messerle on impervious surfaces, their impact on stormwater management and resulting pollution runoff -- all factors in protecting/preserving Lake and Watershed quality and health (and helping to control algae and milfoil proliferation).
Jim McAlister, Co-Chair
Candlewood Watershed Initiative (CWI)
18 Fox Run, CI
203/254-0474 - B 
Reserve the Date: Monday Evening, Sep 28th, for a Special Celebration of Candlewood Lake and the entire Candlewood Watershed --

Come learn of the Lake's origins by the authors who compiled the pictorial history, 'Candlewood Lake' (for the Images of America series), hear from the environmental group that just completed a review of available Watershed research and compiled their recommendations to protect the Lake's future, and toast the concluding hours of Candlewood's 80th birthday.  Join in a special'Celebration of Candlewood' to be held Monday evening, September 28, in the Community Room adjoining our new Senior Center.  Sponsored by the Candlewood Watershed Initiative in concert with the Candlewood Lake Authority, this educational and celebratory event promises to enhance our appreciation, understanding, and collective wisdom, and guide our community actions going forward to preserve this unique and treasured resource.  A birthday reception will follow.  Space will be limited so keep an eye out for further specifics in future editions of the Citizen News.