Thursday, November 19, 2009


State freezes funds so Danbury magnet school will cost more

By Eileen FitzGerald, Staff Writer
DANBURY -- Money took center stage at a meeting of area leaders whose students attend the regional magnet school run by the city.
School leaders from Brookfield, New Fairfield, New Milford, Newtown, and Redding who send students to the Western Connecticut Academy for International Studies learned Tuesday that state cuts to funding for magnet schools would mean they'll have to pay higher tuition next year.
It was not welcome news since most expect one or two percent school budget increases next year.
Danbury Superintendent Sal Pascarella said the state originally planned to pay Danbury $7,440 per student coming from out of town for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.
Instead, the state froze aid to last year's rate of $6,730 per student for the biennial budget that started in July. It makes a shortfall of $710 per student or $108, 630 total for the 153 non-Danbury students.
Pascarella said Danbury would increase tuition only for next year, which means that the $1,500 per student tuition would rise to $1,784.
"I have to put this on the table to my board but I thought it right and fair to spread it among all of us,'' Pascarella said at the meeting on the school's Western Connecticut State University campus. "We have so many other needs. We have to share the burden."
New Fairfield Superintendent Joseph Castagnola said he pushed back last year when the tuition increased from $1,000 to $1,500.
"We're all dealing with budget crunches," he said. "I'm getting sick and tired that districts are being asked to do more and more."  (It’s that nice Joe, but the taxpayers will be picking up the tab, Not Joe C.)
Robinson was upset that the state Board of Education sent out a recent memo in support of magnet and choice programs yet does not ensure funds to support them.
"They can't continue to make statements like this and then not fund it,'' she said.
Region 9 superintendent Allen Fossbender made his final push for school before retiring in January.
"This has been extremely important to our educational program,'' Fossbender said. He reminded his peers that the legislature decides the funding.
"If they don't legislate for long-term funding and we militate against enrollment, it's unfair to the Danbury schools just by virtue of the legislation," Fossbender said.
Redding Board of Education member David Lewson praised Fossbender for his leadership. "He's really helped the board and the community articulate the importance of the magnet school not only for Redding but for the region,'' Lewson said.
A state law now allows parents to apply for magnet schools regardless of district support if there are seats, but the district does not have to pay for transportation for students accepted under those terms.
The partner districts will recruit students entering kindergarten to fill seats of the outgoing fifth graders. Parents can apply between Jan. 1 and Jan. 22 and a lottery will be held Feb. 4.
Danbury Deputy Superintendent William Glass responded to a request from Newtown Superintendent Janet Robinson to discuss the magnet's curriculum so districts will know where students are when they return for sixth grade.
She said her district is accelerating its math program and she wants to make sure the magnet students will be ready.
Glass also agreed to Robinson's request that he test the fifth graders Spanish before they leave the magnet school. Robinson said each of the two years that students have returned to Newtown they have had higher levels of Spanish and she wants Newtown to offer the right course level for them.
Magnet school principal Helena Nitkowski said she's working with Newtown parents to ensure the students are socially connected when they return to their town school. In June, the school will have its third class of fifth graders to graduate. It did not have fifth grade its first year.
"Day by day this place is better not only for the community but for the youngsters who come here,'' Pascarella said.
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