Monday, March 8, 2010


4 Brush Hill Road
New Fairfield, Connecticut 06812
Telephone (203)312-5633 Fax (203)312-5636
Monday, February 8, 2010
7:30 p.m.
Sean Loughran, Fred Testor, Chris Van Steen, Tom Edwards, Bill O’Keeffe, Mark Lamanna, Steve Merullo (Parks & Recreation Director), Kelly Ferris (Program Director), Denise Cocozza (Commission Secretary)

1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Chairman Sean Loughran.

The members voted on the proposed agenda.

Vote: 5-0-0. Motion passed unanimously.

2. Public Comment: None

3. Approval of Minutes

Tom Edwards made a motion to approve the 1/4/10 special meeting minutes. Bill O’Keeffe
seconded the motion.

Vote: 4-0-1. Motion passed unanimously. Mark Lamanna abstained as he was not present for
that meeting.

Fred Testor made a motion to approve the 12/14/09 regular meeting minutes. Chris Van Steen
seconded the motion.

Vote: 5-0-0. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Chairman Comments

a. Chairman Sean Loughran reported that Barbara Coelho had resigned as Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation. Steve Merullo is working with Human Resources to prepare a job description for a replacement. First Selectman John Hodge plans to reorganize the department. Sean recommended having a separate meeting when Mr. Hodge can be present to discuss the proposed reorganization.

5. Director Update

a. Budget: Steve Merullo addressed questions about the FY 2010 budget projections. The members reviewed recreation program revenue and it was agreed that cost cutting measures should be taken going forward. Steve explained that money saving opportunities exist within payroll and staffing for lifeguards, boat dock attendants and day camp. In addition, more campers will be admitted into the summer program this
year to generate additional revenue. There had also been some discussion with the Board of Selectmen about raising fees on the marina this coming summer.

Bill O’Keeffe made a motion not to raise fees for the marina in 2010. Mark Lamanna the motion.

Vote: 3-2-0. Motion passed.

b. Capital Budget – FY 2011: Steve Merullo reported that in the first round of budget discussions with the Board of Selectmen, the preliminary figure approved was $105K. The BOS recommended that the proposed boat dock and playground replacement funds be moved to start next year. In the second round of discussions, the proposed Cashman Field upgrade ($23K) was removed. Parks & Recreation will talk to NF Baseball to see if they are still interested in funding the less expensive short-term solution for Cashman field previously discussed.

6. Subcommitte Reports

a. Programming: Kelly Ferris provided an update on the winter programs’ status. Attendance is trending favorably for open swim and the safe boating course. Parks & Recreation should break even on the ski trip scheduled for 2/10 (likely to be rescheduled for 2/11 due to snow forecast). Future programming could potentially include zumba for kids, kickboxing and more adult dance classes. Bill O’Keeffe suggested additional ballroom dancing classes.

The summer movie series will only occur if sponsorships are obtained to cover the cost. The members discussed other ways to inform the public about programming and it was suggested that Channel 17 might be a good avenue.

Chris Van Steen revisited the possibility of selling New Fairfield branded shirts/hats/etc. at the Parks & Recreation office as an upsell for when people register for programs in person. Some members were concerned that this would compete with the high school store and it was suggested that someone contact Mr. Scherf at the high school to discuss.

As of January 2010 cash is no longer accepted as a form of payment in the Parks & Recreation Office.  Bill O'Keeffe suggested that cash intake by employees be eliminated for all venues including the beach and the few select programs that currently accept cash.  This will be explored further at a later date.<=== WHY IS THIS BECOMING AN ISSUE NOW?  IS THERE A PROBLEM?  PERHAPS AN AUDIT OF ALL CASH PROCEDURES FOR THE ENTIRE TOWN BE INITIATED. 

b. Fields: A field use meeting needs to be set up soon.

c. Recreation Director Position: The proposed job description was reviewed by the Commission. Edits were made and Denise Cocozza was assigned to modify electronically and send to Kara Mehler in Human Resources on 2/9.

A special meeting will be scheduled in the next couple of weeks to discuss several items in further detail including the capital and non-recurring fund, instructor fees (60/40 split), and revenue generating scenarios including day camp fee increases and beach pass sales.

7. Adjournment

Mark Lamanna made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chris Van Steen seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m.

Vote: 5-0-0. Motion passed unanimously.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 8, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Senior Center Community Room.

Prepared by Denise Cocozza, February 10, 2010