Sunday, July 18, 2010


Welcome to

"Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants."
 – Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis

Welcome to the CT Sunlight Project – an electronic tool constructed by
the Yankee Institute for Public Policy – so that the citizens of Connecticut
can look at every line item of state government spending and discover 
how OUR tax dollars are being spent by the people in Hartford. Why
not a similar project for New Fairfield?  An organization must
be created to provide the disinfectant!  A new taxpayer organization.

The goal of the CT Sunlight Project is to empower regular people 
to hold State Government accountable for their spending. Bloggers, 
journalists, students, academics, and average citizens can use this 
website to see how the State spends our tax dollars, identify corruption, 
and suggest ways to effectively reduce spending in Hartford.
  • Visit PAYROLL to review the salary expenditures for each state agency for calendar years 2007, 2008 and 2009.
  • Use CHECKS TO BUSINESSES AND PEOPLE to examine each line item of state government spending by agency, branch, and year.
  • Information about payments to RETIREES is found on the retirees tab.

Let 1000 flowers bloom.
PayrollPensionsChecks to Businesses & People
Click here to explore PayrollClick here to explore PensionsClick here to explore Checks to Businesses and People