Wednesday, November 30, 2011


"... most of New Fairfield knew more about this in October than is reported here!"

New Fairfield official suspended, investigated 
John Pirro, Staff Writer ... he wrote this?
Updated 10:49 p.m., Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NEW FAIRFIELD [THE BEST GOVERNMENT MONEY CAN BUY]] -- First Selectman John Hodge said Tuesday he suspended buildings and grounds director Steven Merullo in October, three months after asking State Police to investigate the "possible" disappearance of money from an undisclosed town department. [NOW DID MR. MERULLO DO "IT" OR DID MR. MERULLO GET CAUGHT DOING SOMETHING ELSE ... A HINT IS IN THE FOLLOWING TWO SENTENCES.]

But he refused to directly link the decision to place Merullo on paid suspension to the missing funds.

Merullo, 49, was placed on administrative leave effective Oct. 27, but Hodge declined to say why he had been suspended, calling it "a personnel matter."

In a letter dated Nov. 10, obtained by The News-Times, Hodge told Merullo the town "would be conducting its own investigation of your activities, which may result in charges of serious misconduct." [nothing like real investigated letter opening]

Hodge also directed Merullo to cooperate with the investigation and said failure to do so "could lead to disciplinary action up to an including termination of your employment."

Telephone calls to Merullo's home weren't returned Tuesday evening. [OF COURSE HE HAS CALLER ID!]

Connecticut State Police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance confirmed that the department's Major Crime Squad had been asked to investigate the possible theft of money from the town. [HERE'S MY QUESTION WHERE WAS THE MAJOR CRIME UNIT WHEN COELHO HIT THE JACK POT? ... CT STATE POLICE ARE TURNING OVER THE STONES HOPING SOMETHING WILL CRAWL OUT ... BUT ARE THEY THE RIGHT STONES ... OR PERHAPS AN ILLUSION OR MISS DIRECTION? TIME WILL TELL!]

Hodge said he asked for the inquiry in July [IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ELECTION CYCLE], but Vance was unable to say Tuesday night whether a criminal investigation had been started.
Hodge wouldn't say whether Merullo was a target of the State Police investigation, but he said no money was missing from either Buildings and Grounds accounts or the Parks and Recreation Department, which Merullo headed before he was transferred to the Buildings and Grounds job last year. [appreciation richly deserved?]
He wouldn't say from which department money was reported missing. [WHAT IS THIS REFERRING TO? NEW FAIRFIELD'S CASINO GOVERNMENT!]

While Merullo was in his former post, the Parks and Recreation Department's then-assistant director, Barbara Coelho, was forced to resign after it was discovered she had been embezzling money for years. 

Coelho and the Board of Selectmen agreed to a settlement last year under which she would not be prosecuted criminally but had to pay $50,000 restitution to the town, a decision that resulted in extensive criticism of Hodge. [WHO WAS THE JUDGE AND JURY FOR THIS MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE?]

Under state law, first-degree larceny involves the theft of $10,000 or more. So what happened with Barbara Coelheo? Further how much was reported missing in the latest CASINO THIEFT in New Fairfield?

To inquire about what else may have fallen between the "cracks" contact John Pirro at or 203-731-3342. [WHY DO YOU INSULT US WITH SUCH CRAP REPORTING!]

Read more:

Former New Fairfield town employee won't be charged

The investigation of former recreation department assistant director Barbara Coelho has been closed, said First Selectman John Hodge, who was informed of the decision in a letter from the Office of the Chief State's Attorney. The Board of... more »
John Pirro, Staff Writer 10 months ago

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