But Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has said a wall running the length of a border would cost too much. A 2,000 mile state-of-the-art border fence has been estimated to cost between four and eight billion dollars. Costs for a wall that would run the entire length of the border might be as low as $851 million for a standard 10-foot prison chain link fence topped by razor wire. For another $362 million, the fence could be electrified. A larger 12-foot tall, two-foot-thick concrete wall painted on both sides would run about $2 billion. Initially it was estimated that the San Diego fence would cost $14 million -- about $1 million a mile. The first 11 miles of the fence eventually cost $42 million -- $3.8 million per mile, and the last 3.5 miles may cost even more since they cover more difficult terrain. An additional $35 million to complete the final 3.5 miles was approved in 2005 by the Department of Homeland * There were 2.8 million illegal immigrants living in California in 2006, the last year for which there are relatively good figures, according to the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California. That represented about 8% of the state's population and roughly a quarter of the nation's illegal immigrants. About 90% of California's illegal immigrants were from Latin America; 65% from Mexico.
* There are roughly 19,000 illegal immigrants in state prisons, representing 11% of all inmates. That's costing $970 million during the current fiscal year. The feds kick in a measly $111 million, leaving the state with an $859 million tab.
* Schools are the toughest to calculate. Administrators don't ask kids about citizenship status. Anyway, many children of illegal immigrants were born in this country and automatically became U.S. citizens.
If you figure that the children of illegal immigrants attending K-12 schools approximates the proportion of illegal immigrants in the population, the bill currently comes to roughly $4 billion. Most is state money; some local property taxes.
* Illegal immigrants aren't entitled to welfare, called CalWORKs. But their citizen children are. Roughly 190,000 kids are receiving welfare checks that pass through their parents. The cost: about $500 million, according to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office.
Schwarzenegger has proposed removing these children from the welfare rolls after five years. It's part of a broader proposal to also boot off, after five years, the children of U.S. citizens who aren't meeting federal work requirements. There'd be a combined savings of $522 million.
* The state is spending $775 million on Medi-Cal healthcare for illegal immigrants, according to the legislative analyst. Of that, $642 million goes into direct benefits. Practically all the rest is paid to counties to administer the program. The feds generally match the state dollar-for-dollar on mandatory programs.
So-called emergency services are the biggest state cost: $536 million. Prenatal care is $59 million. Not counted in the overall total is the cost of baby delivery -- $108 million -- because the newborns aren't illegal immigrants.
The state also pays $47 million for programs that Washington does not require: Non-emergency care (breast and cervical cancer treatment), $25 million; long-term nursing home care, $19 million; abortions, $3 million.
From: Kim Hanson []
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower
READ THIS!! I've checked the facts (Kim) and this e-mail is correct. Now tell the American taxpayers that it's impossible to deport the millions of illegal aliens who take our jobs, commit crimes, suck our social welfare systems dry, overcrowd our schools, drive cars without a license and insurance, expect us to "dial 1 for English" and make allsigns and instructions multi-lingual.All it takes is a President and Congress with the guts (and without the burdens of campaign promises to these illegal aliens and their supporters and sponsors) to say;"Enough is enough!" "Our country can't support you and your families, unless you obtain legal status and pay taxes like all Americans." "You must learn basic English and be able to read road signs (without pictures or translations), and not be convicted of any crimes within the first 2 years of your citizenship."Border fences and more Border Patrol troops can't stop the influx, so therefore it's up to the President and Congress to initiate a roundup and deportation of those who are destroying our economy and morals.
How deeply did you check? (Almost anything you Google from the items you sent results in only tea bag sources repeating the exact same quotes with no sourcing.) And did you check your introduction?
If you really want to be taken seriously answer the following questions to show me that you have seriously thought about this issue.
Have you applied for a job that you couldn't get because it was taken by an "illegal alien"?
Do you know anyone who has applied for a job that they didn't get because it was taken by an "illegal alien?
What is the crime rate for " illegal aliens"? What is the crime rate for citizens?
What is the net cost or benefit to our social welfare system caused by the presence of "illegal aliens"?
What is the cost incurred by the presence of "illegal aliens" in our public schools?
What is the net cost or benefit of" illegal aliens" driving cars?
When did "illegal aliens" call for us to have to dial one for english, and ask for all signs to be multi-lingual?
Really? All we have to do is say "Enough is enough and the alleged problem will disappear?
I assume from your statement that you think that the billions of dollars spent on border fences and boarder patrols is a complete waste of our tax dollars. If they can't be kept out then what purpose does deporting them serve?
What would be the cost of "rounding up and deporting" all "illegal aliens"?
What percentage of "illegal aliens" could successfully be "rounded up and deported" for that cost estimate?
Please show sources that explain how 'illegal aliens" have been "destroying our morals" so that I do not assume that is simply a racist comment.
How many "illegal aliens" were actually deported as a result of Hoover's order? How much did it cost?
Can you site any non-tea bag source to support the claim that Truman deported 2,000,000 "illegal aliens"? If so how much did that cost and what percentage of existing "illegal aliens" did that 2,000,000 represent?
It appears that Eisenhower's "Operation Wetback" (how lovely) actually may have deported around 100,000 Mexicans. That is about 7.5% of the number you claim he deported. Can you site any non-tea bag source that validates that 2,000,000 number? How much did it cost to deport those 100,000 Mexicans?
Is the relationship of taxes paid to benefits received by "illegal aliens" different from the same relationship for citizens? If it is different do they get more or less benefit per tax dollar paid then do citizens?
What is the net effect on GDP caused by the presence of " illegal aliens"?
What would the net effect be if they vast majority of them were deported?
What effect would that deportation have on inflation?
Would all those to be deported have access to the judicial system? (If not how would you keep the vast domestic army required to execute such a massive deportation from deporting you?)
What would be the additional cost to our judicial system be of such a massive deportation?