Saturday, April 4, 2009


ZERO INCREASE, “Some could call it bold, to some a cold move, and then others a heartless-type move, and yet some would call it responsible.  No matter your political ideology personal reality more often dictates what expectation is. you have to admit that the recession has shown us the need for expectations of fiscal responsibility.  I know: in the morning after a Town Meeting [card check] or Referendum [private vote], democracy's latest miracle would not fill my life with meaning and magic. So why[?], can’t I contain my annoyance and displeasure?  Perhaps because exercising my franchise [voting] in confirming the unwritten partnership in our local government, is that my expectation, is often curdled in short time by our First Selectman and his administrative overreached, littering the landscape in failure of retooled expectations [his!].  The question is: Who's expectations survive the retooling?  Ours or the personal agenda of our First Selectman?  Fortunately, the circus of expectation operates with a safety net or does it?  Or as Ronald Reagan said, "Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."  The choice in Referendum questions shall provide the answer or as it has been often stated, "pick the target, freeze it and then polarize it".