Friday, April 10, 2009


H ---> is for Hodge
O ---> is for Oliveri
S  ---> is for Screw up
E  ---> is for Extravagance

Read it and weep.
What a sham Hodge is trying to get the town into. He breaks the first rule of engagement by letting PNF write the lease for our property.  Nice going Spinocchico ... perhaps you have another bridge for sale!

The lease amount is a $1.00 per year, maintenance is by PNF as are the utilities. The bridge and parking is on the town, big bucks involved.

If we don’t have a bridge in place by 12-1-2010 the lease is null and void so everything comes back to the town for liability. PNF must furnish insurance (big deal) but no bond which is what I would also require of them, if they have no money to repair or do the maintenance or pay the utilities we get stuck again.

To boot Susan Moonshine is moving, her husband is already gone, she is waiting for school to get out for the year than she and the kids are history.

And once again the Town of NF is going to be holding a empty bag of Hodgepodge promises!  FOR ANYONE WISHING TO READ THE LEASE CLICK ON THIS Get the Preserve New Fairfield Lease