I have no problem with first selectman (Mr. Hodge) listing the accomplishments he deserves credit for in New Fairfield. However, on at least two accomplishments, the triple "A" rating and the low tax increases credit belongs to the Board of Finance, that's what they are responsible for, not the first selectman, as Hodge would like us to believe.
Here are a few "accomplishments" he forgot to list.

1) Changing the Town Hall hours. When asked why, he stated more people come to Town Hall on Monday than on Saturday. Who did the head count? You be the judge.

2) Ordering a three-minute limit put on how long anyone can speak at a Board of Selectman meeting. Was this edict made to quiet the residents who wanted straight answers to their questions? You be the judge.

3) Restoration of historic houses/Museum District. This is one "accomplishment" I don't blame him for not mentioning. A good quiz for all the busloads of tourists that Hodge told us would be visiting the Museum District might be: Since the old houses weren't built on this site and since there is no bridge or road leading to the site, exactly how did they get there? You be the judge.

As it stands now, the only way to visit the site is to be a Navy-Seal or belong to the 82nd Airborne. You be the judge.

Greg Moore