Thursday, October 22, 2009


-----Original Message-----
From: John Hodge <>
To: Jay Waterman <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 20, 2009 10:37 pm
Subject: RE: BOF meetings

  Your email clearly shows the unfortunate state of affairs that exists between the BOF and virtually all other Town Boards,Commissions and Employees. I know that this is coming at a very difficult time for your department as you are in the process of working with the auditors on closing out the 08-09 budget year. I would like you to keep the
audit as your priority and not be distracted by the repeated requests for information that has already been provided.

   As you know, attending BOF Meetings is part of your job description, but having to be subjected to their incivility is not. Therefore, I am willing to agree, as your direct supervisor, that you do not have to attend tomorrow nights meeting with the clear understanding that once the new BOF is seated we must sit down and discuss this situation with them. Clearly, requiring that requests for information come from the Chairman, as has been past practice, will alleviate some of problems that exist.

  I have reviewed the documents that you have provided for their meeting and I believe that they are more then adequate to allow them to discuss the items that they have on their agenda.

   I also want to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your staff on the outstanding job that they have been doing. Please let them know that the current situation is not a reflection on how we feel as a Town. I am proud of all of you and it has not escaped my notice that you have been able to accomplish such great things at a time when you have reduced your staffing by 2 people. Independently the auditors and Standard and Poor's have also recognized your departments achievements.  If you have any further questions or comments please don't hesitate
to call.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Waterman
Sent: Tue 10/20/2009 4:56 PM
To: John Hodge
Subject: BOF meetings


As a result of the BOF rescheduling its September meeting, I was unable to attend due to a prior personnel commitment. 

In all honesty, I was relieved that I was unable to attend. At the August meeting, I felt there was a lack of respect, unprofessionalism, and disregard for the work that myself and my staff provides the Town and the BOE from the BOF. It is clear that the dialogue has moved away from discussion of current financial issues to the discussion of
various disagreements existing between the BOF and BOS. I view my role in attending BOF meetings as providing financial information relative to current ongoing issues. Instead, I find myself being subjected to leading and sometimes heated questions from certain BOF members in an attempt to have me agree or disagree on an issue outside the realm of my responsibility.

I have rarely if ever received a call or request for information prior to a BOF meeting. Instead, questions are thrown at me to invoke an off the cuff response that could be pitted against something previously stated by your board.

That being said, I am asking you as my immediate supervisor, to excuse me from attending any further BOF meetings. After the election, I would be willing to sit down with the new Chairperson to reinstate the process of having all BOF questions go through the BOF chair.

Please advise. Thanks.