Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Deal doesn't do justice to New Fairfield

Published: 05:02 p.m., Monday, April 5, 2010
The "confidential" settlement agreement between the New Fairfield Board of Selectmen and the former Park & Recreation employee is more of a scandal than the embezzlement it was designed to "cover-up."
The way I see it, this "cover-up" deal is not in the best interest of the town and serves no purpose other than to spare John Hodge and the director of Park & Rec from having to publicly explain and be accountable for the embezzlement of at least $50,000.
John Hodge's explanation that this deal somehow saved the town money by avoiding litigation is bogus, since it doesn't cost the town anything as it is handled by State's Attorney's office as a criminal matter. Also, the Board of Finance has asked for the details of the embezzlement and Hodge has told them it's none of their business!
The whole thing smacks of "cover-up" and the matter needs further investigation. Why a secret deal for one criminal and prosecution for another? What kind of law and order exists in a town where a crime of this magnitude goes unpunished?
In handling criminal matters in this manner, a dangerous precedent has been set in New Fairfield and justice is not being served. This confidential settlement agreement was a vehicle designed to keep the public unaware of this crime and the mismanagement that exists in Town Hall and is a disgrace and disservice to New Fairfield.
Lucy DiRocco