Friday, April 9, 2010


Non-profits and their volunteer staffs have been directly impacted by the recent New Fairfield Park & Rec $50,000 embezzlement.  Their virtue and good deeds through financial, in-kind and other support through the many non-profit organizations in New Fairfield have been given a solid "a slap in the face"; and have been ravaged by the theft of good deeds and virtue of their volunteers by the Board of Selectman.

The Board of Selectman not only sold out their constituents, but sold out their principles "cutting a deal with an embezzler" over grand larceny felony, oath of office, public trust and disrespecting the citizens of New Fairfield.  Their "confidential back room deal" completely ignored the impact on the good deeds and virtuous activities of many non profits and volunteer activities in New Fairfield.  Their collective actions including the Town Attorney, an officer of the court, Director of Park & Recreation and Finance Department is myopic, inexcusable, deplorable and a legal felony.  
Let's count the ways in the up coming Summer Programs: NASA: Journey into outer space, Summer Theater Workshop, Culture Camps, Green Engineering, Robotics Design, Pardalis Basketball Camp, Musical Theater Boot Camp, ... are just a few of more than 50 summer programs!  

Will the many non-profits change their donations policy to a Town that will not prosecute an embezzler of the public funds, especially children funding?  For example, The Derx Foundation gave $177,000 for after-school study and enrichment programs.  The New Fairfield Community Thrift Shop annually donates tens of thousands to the community for individual need as well as summer programs.  Where is the apology from the Town for the "slap in the face" to all those volunteers, the Woman's Club, Lion's and the many other charitable non profits?