Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Thank You, Governor Rell!!!

The following link provides a detailed look at Municipal Aid ... worth the read.

Statutory Formula Grants

Pursuant to §4-71a of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS), the Office of Policy and Management compiles data for certain ongoing state grant programs under which payments to municipalities are determined by statutory formulas. Though not all-inclusive, information for the biennium beginning July 1, 2009 should help provide a general guide to proposed overall grant funding levels for FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11. Estimates for grants payable in the current fiscal year, based on approved appropriations, are also included.

Text appearing in boldface type indicates proposed legislation that could, if enacted, significantly change the referenced program. Italicized type reflects text with added emphasis.

The Governor’s Recommended Budget for the biennium beginning July 1, 2009, which the General Assembly may amend, is the basis for the FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 grant estimates.  Grantees include municipalities (a category that encompasses cities, towns, boroughs and the unconsolidated City of Groton) and regional school districts that receive education program funding directly from the State of Connecticut. For some programs, data from a prior year is the basis of grant estimates because current data are not available; program summaries identify these grants. Due to rounding and the exclusion of data for certain lesser taxing districts, the totals for some columns do not precisely reflect approved or recommended funding.

Grantee-specific estimates are not available for the programs listed under Additional Grants (descriptions of which begin on Page E-11). For each of these programs, the total amounts expended or available for expenditure in FY 2008-09, as well as recommended appropriations for FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11, appear on Page E-35.

Please direct questions concerning grant programs to the appropriate agency. Staff from the Department of Education’s Division of Finance and Internal Operations (860-713-6455) answers questions concerning all education program grants. Under the Grants Management directory on the agency’s website ( periodic data updates of education grants are available. Department of Transportation staff (860-594-2675) answers questions concerning the Town Aid Road Grant. The Department of Public Health (860-509-7703) is the contact for questions concerning the School-based Health Clinic grant program and the Department of Social Services (860-424-5842) is responsible for Child Day Care Grants. For questions regarding any other program in this section, contact the Office of Policy and Management's Intergovernmental
Affairs Unit (860-418-6432).

Note – CGS §12-62 governs real property revaluation requirements for Connecticut towns. A town’s failure to implement a revaluation in accordance with statutory requirements could result in the imposition of a penalty equal to the forfeiture of 50% of its Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Grant and the loss of the amount otherwise allocable under the Local Capital Improvement Program (LoCIP). The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management may waive the penalty for a reason set forth in CGS §12-62(d).