Friday, February 20, 2009

Governor Rell speaks out ...

Bloat, Budget, Pain, ... all leads to hard choices! Zero increase in Town budget is the proper course of action.

Budget cuts in neighboring New Milford highlights leadership of Mayor Patricia Murphy as she recommended the Board of Education budget for the 2009-10 fiscal year remain the same as the current year; $56.9 million. She proposes a town budget that is some $2 million less than the current year -- $31.7 million with another $1.5 million in capital purchases. Combined total is $90 million, with $66 million to be raised through taxes. Based on a mill rate of 22.52, a resident with a home valued at $233,580 would pay $5,260 in taxes, or about $70 more than the current year.

New Fairfield must follow the leadership of Mayor Murphy and hold fast on the BOE and Town budgets.  Zero increase is better than the alternative.  The biggest chunk of expense in teh educational budget is salaries.  If the town can reduce its spending to zero, then the school in a declining enrollment should not have any problem.