Thursday, May 14, 2009


Vote No! 

The proposed $34m  project leaves out over $70 million of addional work that, according to Dr. Castagnola must be done.  These are Dr. Castagnola’s exact words two years ago, on February 2, 2007. 

The majority of the HS equipment and systems date back to the original construction – and have surpassed their useful life…If the 33 year old systems are not replaced in the near future,  significant dollars will be required over the next five to ten years replacing and repairing existing systems.  The current escalation of electrical costs is far surpassing other heating options and will add significantly to the operational cost of the school if not replaced.” 

None of this major work has been done.  Please send this to every one you know.  The HS Science Wing is just the tip of the $67 million additional iceberg.  The proposed project ignores all of the major systems Dr. Castagnola says must be replaced.  In addition, Dr. Castagnola (back in 2007) also outlined 9 million additional dollars of work that should be done to the MIDDLE SCHOOL. 

If the proposed project moves forward,  future BOE budgets will have to include millions for the High School and that will result in large tax increases.  When voters say “no” to those tax increases, and they are likely to do so, we will have to cut educational programs to pay for the High School Renovation. 

A “yes” vote will be a disaster for our Educational Programs in the future.