Sunday, May 17, 2009


Here's to worthy dreams,
the excellence to realize them
and the courage to risk failure
in their pursuits.
Good things happen when people of diverse opinion come together to do something that enhances the general value to the community.  The real value of 'community' is to achieve the balance and realization of value over special interest.  Not all people are dog lovers a fact that was a consideration in planning the Dog Park. The realization of the New Fairfield Dog Park speaks volumes for private enterprise of a few residents and their ability to navigate the many obstacles and opinions in executing their plan for a Dog Park.  
This group of residents early on DID NOT anticipate or require any town funds in achieving the goal of a Dog Park for our community.  They reached out involving a broad cross section of the community soliciting assistance and funds from the young and old of the community at large.  The only assistance from the town was cooperation, understanding and appreciation of the passion of community involvement.  In essence the town officials listened and acted without prejudice or personal agenda.