Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Candlewood Watershed Initiative (CWI)

There are three upcoming events -- all on Saturday, April 18 -- that hopefully will catch your interest and spur involvement.  They are designed to inform and promote environmentally sensitive actions throughout our Candlewood Watershed -- to help preserve, protect and enhance this wonderful paradise of ours.  They each have the potential to help us favorably impact our waterways, our woodlands, and our wildlife.  And they are all based on the premise that it is far wiser -- and far less expensive -- to be proactive in preventing pollution and stemming stormwater runoff than to have to fund its remediation.

All three events are free, are being funded through various donations, are being sponsored by the Candlewood Watershed Initiative, and will be held at Shaw's in New Fairfield --

       -  2009 Soil Testing Day - to underscore the merits of analyzing lawn and garden soilsbefore fertilizing to avoid unnecessary applications and help minimize the risks of excess nutrient runoff
     -  An 11 AM seminar on 'Soil Testing for Protecting Lakes and Ponds' followed by an 'Update on Lake Candlewood's Invasive Aquatic Plant Problem' (featuring our infamous milfoil) -- both presented by Greg Bugbee, a soil and aquatic invasive plant expert who handles the lab analysis of our soil samples and is responsible for mapping Candlewood's milfoil infestations
    -  A 1 PM seminar on terrestrial invasive counterparts entitled 'Not in My Backyard: Invasive Plant Identification and Control' -- by Donna Ellis of UConn's Department of Plant Science and Co-Chair of the CT Invasive Plant Working Group.
So we have a full day planned with events designed to inform and engage all residents in protecting our environment.  And, if you would like to volunteer to help, we need additional staffing at the Soil Sampling Site at Shaw's on Saturday, 4/18 (from 8-10:30 AM, or 10:30-1:00, or 1:00-3:00 PM) plus we may need 1-2 volunteers to help out in the Soil Test Lab in New Haven for a day during the following week-- it's really quite enjoyable to work alongside of Greg, and we'll brief you in advance on what's involved (simply email me if  interested, indicating which time slot might work for you).
Last year's Soil Testing Day -- the first of its kind -- attracted over 115 residents, some 15% of whom were from Candlewood Isle, a terrific display of commitment to protecting our Watershed.  Given the Isle's strategic importance among Lake communities -- it commands a prime position near the center of the Lake, and its perimeter accounts for ~30% of New Fairfield's developed shoreline -- we have a disproportionate influence on the health of the surrounding waters and an equivalent responsibility to help maintain Candlewood Lake's heath and quality.  Accordingly, if you haven't yet participated and had your soil tested, consider doing so on the 18th.  It would be terrific if the Isle continued to set the pace and example in shooting towards 100% cumulative participation -- as a demonstration of our commitment and legacy to the generations to follow.

Attached is a flier on this year's Soil Testing Day, and an article and ad series will be appearing in the Citizen News over the course of the next several weeks.  Note that it is easier than ever to participate.  Now you can pick up a Soil Testing Kit at any of three convenient locations in advance (beginning 4/1), scoop your sample on any dry day, and then simply return it to our outdoor booth at Shaw's on the 18th.  So lasso your neighbors and friends and urge their participation so the Isle, the Lake, and the entire Watershed will benefit.  Thanks and we hope to see you on the 18th.

Jim McAlister, Co-Chair
Candlewood Watershed Initiative (CWI)
18 Fox Run, CI