Friday, March 6, 2009

If you believe the spin, I've got a bridge to sell you!

To The Editor:

This letter is in response to John Hodge's column that appeared in the 3/4/09 edition of the Citizen News in which he admonishes Art Azzaritio and myself for expressing our opinions with regard to the potential use of $750,000 of stimulus funds for a footbridge and pathways in and around the "old houses".

To be certain, the facts of the matter prove there are no inaccuracies in either of these letters as Hodge claims. Furthermore, his attempt to convolute the matter by comparing the stimulus fund request with that of the GE request is an insult to our intelligence and a classic example of political spin.

Hodge's Citizen News columns and commentary at Board of Selectman meetings frequently serve as a "bully pulpit" from which he admonishes and/or attempts to discredit those persons who either question him or differ from his opinion. Such extreme measures on the part of Hodge to control the issues and facts by way of intimidation is of a serious concern and a disservice to the citizens of New Farifield.

It is my sincere hope that New Fairfield will greatly benefit from whatever stimulus funds come it's way; the result of wise and good choices rather than a solution for a political debacle.

Lucy DiRocco