Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Me Speak with forked tongue ... but that's politics!

Citizen News, February 4, 2004


During these difficult and trying budgetary times, - in between all the talk and analysis around building space needs, technology improvements, and significant road repair programs, there has emerged a noteworthy bright spot.  We pass it everyday, although by now it probably goes unnoticed.  However, during its  proposal stage, it was a lightning road for heated debate and commentary, some of which was abusive and personally insulting to those of us who have steadfastly supported its development.  Its supporters, especially Ron Graiff, held to the belief that its construction was necessary to enhance emergency communications in our Town, provide improved cellular communications for its citizens, and being in much needed revenues.  Of course, I am talking about the town owned Communications Tower that stands behind our police and Fire Departments at 302 Ball Pond Road.  It was always contended that the Town should benefit from the potential revenue generated by this facility rather than a private individual.  "Build it and they will come", urged Mr. Graiff.  And indeed, several carriers have signed on and the others will soon follow.

We have been saying all along, and I have also carried this message with Mr. Strilowich through the Town's own approval process, that this tower would be the focal point of a critical enhancement to our emergency communications.  Even during the election campaign of 2001, when my opponents doubted the wisdom of a Town owned Communications Tower, we held steadfast to our beliefts.  It has been a difficult road, but to all who have supported Mr. Graiff's efforts, we have been vindicated!

It was estimated that this enhancement to our emergency radio system would cost the taxpayers about $500 thousand.  It would require an expensive 'repeater' system to assure about a 95% coverage of Police Fire, and EMS radio communications throughout our Town.  In a report prepared for the Board of Selectman and the Town's Office of Emergency Management, it has been shown that our Communications Tower alone can provide that same 95% level of radio coverage without the need for a 'repeater' system.  This will save the Town about $250 thousand.  Over a ten year period, this project has the potential of saving the taxpayers of New Fairfield about $1 million!  To paraphase Bill Murray in his acceptance speech at the Golden Globes - 'watch out for the nay sayers who will rush to take credit for the success of this project'.  To all who have steadfastly supported this project - a well deserved THANK YOU! I am personally gratified that I have supported a project that will have such a positive affect on the future of our Town.

Speakth with forked tongue or as some would say, like a monkey doing push ups!