Friday, March 6, 2009

Recovery Tracking Site

Connecticut has already begun receiving some of the $3 billion in federal stimulus money. Approximately $1.65 billion is in direct aid and grants while $1.3 billion is in the form of Medicaid assistance. The federal government estimates the ARRA will create and/or save more than 40,000 jobs in Connecticut. 

“Our goal is to get the money back into the economy as soon as possible and put people back to work,” Governor Rell said. “This Web site contains links to employers and training opportunities. It also includes critical information on project deadlines and will serve as a clearinghouse for more funding sources.

The new Web site – – includes sections on:

Explanation of the federal law
  Accountability of stimulus dollars
  Lists of “shovel-ready” projects and deadlines
  Latest news on the stimulus in Connecticut

Frequently asked questions