Friday, August 7, 2009


Bromley,  Ted

hide details 8:35 AM (40 minutes ago)
Dear Mr. Wise-

It appears your question is in reference to the minority representation provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes Section 9-167a.  Pursuant to that section the maximum number of seats that any one party can hold on a three member board is two.  Individuals running under a nominating petition without party designation are considered a member of their underlying party for purposes of minority representation.  As such, in your examples below, the Candidate 3 would be considered a Republican.  Thus, candidate 3 would be directly competing with the other two endorsed Republican candidates for seats on the board.  Assuming the Republican would take two of the seats, the top two vote getters of the three will be seated.


Ted Bromley
Staff Attorney

From: Roger Wise []
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 5:54 PM
To: Bromley, Ted
Subject: Assistance requested on a matter of procedure
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Mr. Theodore E. Bromley
Secretary of State
Dear Mr. Bromley,
I'm have a difficult time getting my arms around the following circumstance with the up coming Selectman election in New Fairfield.  
Republican 1 = running for First Selectman
(John Hodge)
Republican 2 = running for Selection
(Susan Chapman)
Democrat 1 = running for First Selectman
(Monika Thiel)
Democrat 2 = running for Selectman
(Thomas Corbett)
Candidate 3 = Third Candidate, a registered Republican, running for Selectman not on a party line
(Arthur Azzorito)

Republican 1
Republican 2
Democrat 1
Republican 1
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
Republican 1
Democrat 2
Candidate 3
Republican 1
Democrat 1
Candidate 3
Republican 1
Republican 2
Democrat 2
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
Republican 1
Democrat 1
Republican 1
Republican 2
Democrat 1
Republican 1
Candidate 3
Democrat 1
Republican 2
Candidate 3
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
Candidate 3
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
Republican 2

The matrix above represents the permutations.  The issue as I understand on a 3 member board that only two members can be of the same party. Candidate 3 is a registered Republican not running on a party line.  Under which conditions can Candidate 3 NOT serve even if the votes are in Candidate 3 favor?

I appreciate your assistance and a written reply would also be appreciated with specific reference to state statutes.  The explanation does make sense whereas Candidate 3 is not endorsed by any party.

Roger C. Wise
An elector of New Fairfield, CT
(203) 470-7473
3 Fox Run, Candlewood Isle
New Fairfield, CT 06812