Thursday, August 27, 2009


What other sources of income can you see being developed to benefit the town other than property tax revenue? SHORT ANSWER: A POLITICAL TIN CUP.
Interesting question.  The town of New Fairfield's AAA bond rating is supported at its very core with its sustainable and recurring revenue coming from property tax.  [The only group that Mr. Hodge failed to thank.]  Perhaps this is one of the reasons towns like New Fairfield with 95 - 97% of revenue coming from residential property taxes are considered 'bedroom communities'. Therefore, searching the "back forty" for additional revenue opportunity we are confronted by the issue of zoning.  Why zoning? Well not to digress to far, the Historic/Museum District fees, as an example can not bridge the divide as a commercial enterprise on municipal property doesn't generate any revenue, that we as a town will need in the future. As a rural New England town are a historical district in the scheme of things. We, the town is defined by the intersection of two state roads, a state border on our west and a lake to our east, not exactly an off-ramp of a major commercial highway. We are not a teaming metropolis by any stretch of the imagination.  There will not be any 'box' stores like Sam's Club, Costco, Cabela's or similar scouring the landscape for a suitable building location. Traditionally and historically since the early twentieth century with the creation and development of the Candlewood Lake, New Fairfield has been and continues to be a seasonal destination for summer activities, with a little tourism from natures grandeur in the fall.  We are not a destination for commercial enterprise, offices without walls, farmer markets, no we have little resources which lend themselves to non-tax base revenue enhancement. Perhaps the rural nature of our community is its attractive lure and we wish to keep it that way. Historically, we use to be a 'Off Broadway' stop for summer theater but that was not sustainable as the interstate highway system bloomed with Interstate 684.  The real Broadway is only 60 minutes away and many citizens work in 'the big apple' ... go figure.

So, the question remains.  What other sources of income can you see being developed to benefit the town other than property tax revenue?  MDU's? For those of you from places with a population smaller than New Fairfield ... MDU's are multi-dwelling units ... that's right, higher density living, a zoning issue.

Of course with more people, not that we don't like other people, we do of course.  That's why we closed the Town Hall on Saturday and only remain open half day on Friday.  Except at certain times and under certain conditions all are welcomed.
So back to the sustainable revenue question.  From where and with what sustainable (re)source can we continue to generate additional revenue to continue to support a unchecked growth in our local government?