Monday, August 24, 2009


Lie to me or Lie to me* is an American television midseason replacement that premiered on the Fox network on January 21, 2009.[4] In the show, Dr. Cal Lightman and his colleagues in The Lightman Group accept assignments from third parties (commonly local and federal law enforcement), and assist in investigations, reaching the truth through applied psychology: interpreting microexpressions, through the Facial Action Coding System, and body language.[4]

WOW!!! Spend a few minutes reading this newspaper article ... it could be a real life script for the made for T.V. Series ... "LIE TO ME" ... STARRING JOHN "PERRY MASON" HODGE ... 

New Fairfield senior center construction set for June
Article Last Updated: 02/28/2008 05:15:36 AM EST
NEW FAIRFIELD "" If all goes as planned, the new hangout for New Fairfield seniors will start going up in June. Heavily revised plans for the long-awaited Senior Center reveal a two-story building on Route 37, outside the center of town, with a 9,969-square-foot upper level for seniors' use and a 9,337-square-foot lower level for town use.

The seniors' floor will include a library, game room, exercise room, nurse's office and an events hall.
The lower floor will have a community room and about 6,000 square feet the town hasn't yet decided how to use.
First Selectman John Hodge said officials are considering "possibly establishing a youth center" or "moving some offices from Town Hall, which might resolve some of our space issues."
The Senior Center will be completed before that decision is made.
"The town has so many space needs, but right now the Senior Center is the priority," Hodge said.
Town officicials chose a two-story, dual-purpose building because it cost about $70,000 more than constructing a one-story building on the sloped site, Hodge said.
"We can build this whole lower level for almost the same cost as building a one-story senior center," Hodge said.
The center's original designs were modified to meet the criteria for a Department of Economic and Community Development small cities grant.
The plan called for a larger connection between the senior center and the town portion of the building, but late in the process the state wanted  "the Senior Center portion to be self-contained and exclusively for senior use," Hodge said.
"That brought us back to the drawing board "" literally," he said. A new architect was brought on board and new plans drawn up. The town will hold a public hearing on the center Wednesday 5 at 7 p.m. in the New Fairfield High School library. Residents will get an update on the project and be able to comment.
Hodge said the entire cost of the project will be covered by $648,000 in grants from Connecticut's Small Town Economic Assistance Program, an expected additional $650,000 from state grants, and $900,000 in bonding approved by taxpayers last year.
Today's Senior Center, located in Heritage Plaza, is about 4,500 square feet.
"They have clearly outgrown their space," Hodge said, adding, "The design of the current Senior Center is one big enormous room, and it makes it very difficult to hold more than one program at a time."
The new center will also have a 600-square-foot deck overlooking the landscape. Hodge said in summer, seniors will be able to sit outside and look at the "beautiful brook and waterfall" nearby.