Wednesday, July 8, 2009


To The Editor & Citizens of New Fairfield ...

This will serve to advise readers that I resigned as an Op-Ed columnist for the Citizen News after my column was 'over-edited' once more by the editor.

I can't imagine what you could do worse to a writer than to over-edit and thereby contort his or her column and then publish the resultant distortion without advising that writer.  The latest 'over-editing' was done a few weeks ago and was far from the first time the editor chose to pull the rug out from under me.  Unfortunately, this has been a periodic occurrence over the Common Cents' 6+ years of publication.

Were I to delineate the history of 'over-editing' in the 6+ years that I have authored Common Cents the text would most likely be edited, so I shall not.

Shoud anyt of you wish additional information regarding my resignation, kindly e-mail me at  Please put "Common Cents" in the header since I delete unknown senders' messages because of virus concerns.

Writing for the Citizen News has been a little slice of heaven for the past 6+ years.

Doug Thielen