Friday, July 10, 2009


The Tour de Selectman Race is underway, with the tone and first blood drawn by the Vice Chairman of the BOE (R).  Ken Chapman long-time closet supporter of John Hodge (and his wife Susan Chapman ranking member of the RTC) shows true colors and finally registers as a Republican.  Mr. Chapman inappropriately using his position on the BOE gives Monika Thiel (R) a tongue lashing and character assassination in the Citizen News.  Ms. Thiel (Republican and member of the BOE) has been nominated to the top of the UNITY TICKET by the Democratic Party.

To The Editor:
   I was surprised when I read in the News Times [apparently the Citizen News front page article of July 1st was not seen or read by Mr. Chapman, so why forward a Letter to the Editor to the Citizen News?] that Monika Thiel, a right-wing registered Republican [is there a left wing Republican registry?], was running as a Democrat [Mr. Chapman was a closet Republican for years and currently sits in a Democratic seat on the BOE as Vice Chairman] for the town's highest office of First Selection [Mr. Chapman's wife it is rumored to be Mr. Hodge's running mate this year, slam dunk!].  In the article Monika [now their friends?] is quoted as saying that "a lack of civility seems to have set in."  [Good going Ken, your letter exemplifies that premise]  That has sure turned out to be the case.  In Monika's first interview as a candidate for First Selectman [Selectwoman, apparently Mr. Chapman doesn't respect the gender], she slams her fellow Board of Education (BOE) members by stating "there have been votes by most of that board that have been more anti-education than mine." Aside from reiterating her anti-education stance, Monika has clearly tried to rewrite history and her contribution (or lackthereof) to the Board of Education. [as a single Mom and volunteer, Ms. Thiel's contribution is immeasurable] 

Although Monika recently appeared as BOE public comment stating that she was appalled that the BOE has not done enough to repair our schools, she not only voted against the recent building project, but actively and publicly campaigned against the needed improvements.[Ken perhaps you don't get it ... a member appearing at Public Comment as a taxpayer/citizen is OK]  Two years ago Monika voted against the education budget, and this year, she voted against the school budget again after not participating in the development of the education budget with her fellow board members.[So what, that is her prerogative as a member of the board]
Since being on the BOE, Monika has not only voted against the school budget multiple times, but has fought to reduce or eliminate a number of school programs ranging from high school classes to sports to even the school bank.[perhaps she has a different vision for our community ... that vision is supported by the Democratic Party, they just nominated her as candidate for First Selectwoman]  Of all the board members, Monika is chronically absent from key meetings, and when she does show up, tends to vote against programs or abstain from voting all together.[Ken, you still don't get it ... diversity in the composition of the board is what moderates and drives innovation]  This has been the pattern for the past two years and is available as part of the public record.  Monika has been a disruptive force [unbelievitable, isn't the board run by Robert's Rules?] on the Board of Education and has hindered progress in many areas without bringing a single original idea of her own [one vote among many ... Monika rules!].
Ken Chapman
Vice Chairman - Board of Education

 Stay tuned for the complete attendance and voting record of the BOE ....