Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The twists and turns in life can be rewarding provided expectations are properly balanced. Last nights Republican Caucus was neither a twist, turn or even a surprise. A thought has just cross my mind, now that were speaking of twists and turns ... With Selectman Oliveri gone, along with his experience and judgment, Hodge now has the full burden of his position of ‘twisting and turning’. No more hiding behind Oliveri's lips. However, the omnipotent one will continue grinding out the same ‘ol tune and soft shoe routine. Unless the voters of New Fairfield awake and balance the Board of Selectman with experience and proven management skills of two other individuals that WILL NOT sing and dance to his tunes. We can’t afford more of the same … lack of plans, lack of follow through, lack of long-term impact, lack of thought. In fact the Republican Ticket does lack a lot. Let's start with the fundamentals for an effective government and having reviewed the list ... any further discussion would be mere affirmation of the first proposition: fundamentals for an effective government. Now I know many of you would say, look what he's done. Exactly my point! I've looked and it sickens me. We in New Fairfield DO NOT live in Camelot. We are merely a bedroom community defined by a stop light intersecting two state highways. Let's leave it that way, a quiet New England town without aspirations of becoming the Bronx, Staten Island or Long Island. After all many of us left some of those places to be in a quaint New England rural town. The Score Card of progress is not ranked by what we build, how many grants we get rather by how well our community and government serves the general need of public health and safety. Our community is best defined by how well we all work together in that common goal of public health and safety. How we care and how we help those in need that live in our community. Government is not the clairion call to support our self interests. Our volunteers and community groups must not be divided by 'special interests' supported by government. Our community should be united by those special interests as all individuals, young and old come together in support of each other. I'm stepping down from the Soap Box now and will hand over the reins to the voters, enough said.