Saturday, July 4, 2009


The blood-sport in America politics has started by John [Spinocchio] Hodge's comments to the Danbury Newstimes about Ms. Thiel's attendance at BOE meetings.  This video clip represents the game of political dodge ball with the frustration becoming apparent with two White House reporters ... the issue is simply process, which if followed yields transparency in government.  Our current First Selectman has had more FOIA requests in the last four years than the last four First Selectman combined.  Perhaps the FOIA requests should be published on the Town Web Site to allow residents the opportunity to see what issues, performance and abuse of process and procedures the administration has failed to make clear.  Spinocchio has finally achieve, after four years of threats to Citizen News and Ellen Burnett of personally suing her, the removal of Common Cents.  The Citizen News has for the last four years been the puppet and instrument of Spinocchio.  A quick look at the names on the 'bench of reporting' clearly shows that fair and objective in reporting is absent.  Watch the video clip and see the similarities ... 

CBS' Chip Reid and Helen Thomas double teamed Robert Gibbs today at the daily press briefing on the "tightly controlled" town hall meeting President Obama will hold on health care. Gibbs kept saying lets have this discussion AFTER the meeting. Helen Thomas accused the White House of "controlling the press." She said almost all White House/Obama events are "prepackaged." She accused the White House of not "having any answers."