Sunday, July 5, 2009


  1. A Royal Flush: a press box, concession stand, and public toilets
  2. Public Servants: the proper behavior of New Fairfield voters
  3. Negative Increases: an accounting term to describe a tax or fee
  4. Cobbler Workbench: The Permanent Building Committee
  5. Money manger: where Spinocchio gets his grants
  6. Three Card Monty: an accounting activity
  7. Slight of Hand: an accounting entry, (e.g. $74,500 out of a fund balance without a town meeting).
  8. Fair & Balanced: a story by Paul Bruno in the Citizen News
  9. Blah, blah, blah: a general phase to describe the Board of Finance

And the number one phase in Spinocchio's Language Dictionary:

     10.  Conversion & diversion: how grants are handled