Saturday, July 4, 2009

SPINOCCHIO, IOU's and transparency in government

IOU's in local Town government, what's next?

What would happen if you sent an IOU note to the IRS instead of money? What would happen if you sent an IOU to the Town Tax Collector instead of money? It wouldn't be pretty. But, it's A-OK for the town  to issue IOU to the taxpaying citizens of New Fairfield.  Our First Selectman [Spinocchio] has done exactly the same.  A $74,500 IOU to the General Fund was converted and diverted into a capital project without so much as a Town Meeting or Referendum.  Who's to fault?  The Board of Finance fulfilled its public trust responsibilities and obligations in the proper and procedural matter, with a proper motion and votes; however, Spinocchio denying BOF access to Bond Counsel, unilaterally decided in a secret meeting that the motion was improperly worded [whatever happened to 'spirit and intent] and the $74,500 was converted and diverted, a common SOP of Spinocchio.  A magic tick?  No!  It just depends on what the meaning of 'is' is, or perhaps it merely business as usual by Spinocchio.  There's no test ... both answers are correct.  WHATEVER!  The "street trick" has been around as long as there has been pedestrians and sidewalks in politics ... it known as Three Card Monty.  We need a fresh face in town government, one that is sensitive to the needs and requirements of the whole town and one that is educated with the professional experience and credentials to back it up, not street tricks with the legal parsing of the English language for profit and gain!  Here's a classic in Spinocchio's own voice  ... a negative increase!